Monday, August 31, 2009

September Product of the Month!

School Years Momento Keeper

This is the ultimate interactive keepsake for you and your child! The all-too-quick sprint to adulthood makes it hard to keep track of a child’s ever-changing personality, but now you can capture everything while it’s happening—from pre-K through high school graduation—in this attractive keepsake album that you and your child can fill out together. Sections include: Treasured Items—store report cards, photos, awards, and the like in handy pouches. About Me—vital statistics from height and weight to allowance and career aspirations. Favorites—from book to band to TV shows, everything your child loves. Drawings and Signature—see how your child’s artwork and handwriting changes over the years. School—teachers, friends, extra-curricular activities, awards, and more. Special Occasions—all the details about each year’s birthday, holiday celebrations, trips, and summer vacation. For Friends and Family—places for you, your other children, and extended family or friends to share their reflections about your child!

Now you can purchase the ultimate interactive keepsake for you and your child online at The Organized Lifestyle Store's online store! Simply go to for this product and much more to help you organize your lifestyle!

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